Venturo Mast cranes utilize a mast and boom design and provide a high-value, low cost means of lifting up to 2,000 lbs. They are ideal for pickups, utility and platform bodies. Please contact us for a quote on your crane needs: sales@worktruckbodies.com
CE1500FB The Venturo CE1500FB is a 4,500 ft lb crane with a lifting capacity of 1,500 lbs with an electric winch, manual rotation, extension boom 3' to 5' which folds. For a printable specification sheet click on the picture above.
CT2000 The Venturo CT 2000 series (CT2003FB, CT2004FB, CT2005) features heavy-duty 1.8 hp electric winch, manual rotation, manual extension boom 3' to 9' that folds. For a printable specification sheet click on the picture above.
CE6K The Venturo CE6K is a 6,000 ft lb crane with a lifting capacity of 2,000 lbs. Features electric winch, manual rotation, manual extension 3' to 7' and manual elevation. It is available with your choice of boom sizes, mast heights and winches to meet your lifting needs. For a printable specification sheet click on the picture above.
CT310KX The Venturo CT310KX is a 6,650 ft lb crane with a lifting capacity of 1,900 lbs. This electric mast crane is a four function electric crane which features a heavy duty planetary electric winch and a small footprint. Venturo currently offers a Continuous Rotation model and a Non-continuous Rotation model. For a printable specification sheet click on the picture above.
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